Director's Message

Founder / Director
Mrs. Anna Jacob

“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.” – Ecclesiastes 9:10
God, our Creator, is never pleased with halfhearted efforts. If we are achievers, He expects us to give ourselves unreservedly to our work. Our God, who watches us closely, will surely reward us richly for every work that is done to the best of our efforts. For man sees our results, God sees our efforts. On October 18, 1879, a young inventor by the name of Thomas A. Edison sat in his laboratory. He was weary from 13 months of repeated failure in his search for a filament that would stand the stress of electric current. To add to his problems, the men who had backed him financially were now refusing to put up any additional funds. Having tried every known metal in his experiment, Edison was admittedly baffled. Casually picking up a bit of lampblack, he mixed it with tar and rolled it into a thin thread. Suddenly the thought struck him: why not try a carbonised cotton fibre? For five hours, he worked on the first filament, but it broke before he could remove the mould. Two entire spools of thread were used in similar fruitless efforts. At last, a perfect strand emerged, only to be ruined when he tried to place it inside a glass tube. Still, Edison refused to admit defeat. He continued to work without sleep for two more days and nights. Eventually, he managed to insert one of the crude carbonised threads into a vacuum-sealed bulb.” When we turned on the current,” he said, “the sight we had so long desired to see finally met our eyes!” His persistence in the face of the most discouraging odds gave the world one of its greatest inventions – the electric light! When you go back to work tomorrow, don’t be slothful in your work. Keep in mind the example of Edison and the words found in Ecclesiastes 9:10. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing WELL!If at first you don’t succeed, try a little ARDOUR!
Mrs. Anna Jacob
Founder / Director
Spartan Group of Schools